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 New Account Registration - Members and Participants:
Each family should have only one account on our website.
"Member" is effectively the parent who manages the account. Member (parent's) information is entered on the first page of account registration.
"Participant" is the skater. It is typically the child or children that are added to the member's account on subsequent.
Member can also be a participant, if the parent is also signing up for programs, or a non-child skater is registering for themselves. In that case, the "I will be registering myself into programs" checkbox should be selected in the Member Information section.
Purdys Fundraiser Chocolates (Temporary suspended):
The purchase of Purdys Fundraiser Chocolates are mandatory for each member except for Canskate. It helps raise funds to support our club's programs. When you receive the chocolates, you can keep them for yourself or sell them to your friends and neighbours. If you wish to purchase additional boxes please email the club at You will be informed at the rink when the chocolates are available for pickup.
How can I help, as a parent, with my child's competition?





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